Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

— Matthew 19:14

Kingdom Kids Children’s Ministry


Kid’s Sunday School

Sunday Mornings @ 10:15 a.m.
in the Preschool Wing (downstairs)

Kingdom Kids Sunday School is for ages K5 thru 6th grade.

Please contact Nikki Holcomb for more information.

Volunteer Teachers & Assistants Needed:

We love our adult leaders! Since we strive to not over-burden any one family with too much additional responsibility added to their already busy schedules, we aim to have a regular rotation of teachers and assistants each week.

If you are interested in helping out 1x/month - once every 6 weeks or so, we would love to give you an opportunity to connect with our children and share Jesus with them! Not sure if this is for you? We make it easy to try something new. Training is provided, and the curriculum is very user-friendly and interactive. If you have questions, or would like to be added to our leader rotation, please contact Nikki Holcomb at

Children’s Church

Children’s Church is now taking place in the Children’s Sunday School Wing during the sermon at our Contemporary Service.

Our Saturday evening Grace Place service also features a short message for the kiddos before the sermon (Lamb’s Time). GSLC’s pastors and teachers love sharing God’s Word with our little ones via fun lessons that reflect the message of the sermon text in an engaging way! And, you’re always free to accompany your child any time.

Volunteer Teachers & Assistants Needed:

We love our adult leaders! Since we strive to not over-burden any one family with too much additional responsibility added to their already busy schedules, we aim to have a regular rotation of teachers and assistants each week.

Not sure if this is for you? We make it easy to try something new. Training is provided, and the curriculum is very user-friendly and interactive. If you have questions, or would like to be added to our leader rotation, please contact our Board of Christian Education.

VBS Nights

Introducing VBS Nights!

Instead of hosting a Vacation Bible School program for just one week during the Summer, we’re doing individual VBS Nights throughout the whole year! That means you can get your little ones engaged in faith-filled activities in every season! (Not only that, but now parents don’t have to wait a whole year as they look forward to having some of that extra time to themselves on VBS Nights.)

With our simplified VBS structure, we’re making more room for joy as our dedicated volunteers help children grow in their relationship with Jesus and learn how to share His love with others!

Contact us for more info about VBS, and check out the schedule below!

Want to help out? Contact our DCE or our Board of Christian Ed. Chairman to see how you can plug in to this fun ministry!

Volunteer with our Children’s Ministry

Love working with littles? Want to teach Sunday School or help in the Nursery? We need your help! Our team is always looking for new people who care for our kiddos and are young at heart! Teaching isn’t your thing? No worries. There are plenty of ways to get involved. Let us know how you’d like to help and we’ll get you plugged in!

Children’s Ministry Health Forms:

All parents dropping their kids off in the nursery and/or for any children's ministry events will need to have our GSLC Children’s Ministry form completely filled out, signed, and turned in to us (*one form per child).  These forms are available for download on our website, and they are good for one year.  Any changes to a family's info which occurs during that year will require parents to fill out and send us an updated form asap to ensure we have accurate information on file.  You can download and print this form by clicking the button below.

Got questions? Want to volunteer with our Children’s Ministry Team?
Contact Katie Abercrombie, our Board of Christian Ed. Chairperson, by clicking the button below!

GSLC Nursery Program

Our nursery is for infants - 4 yrs. We partner with our Mother’s Day Out program to keep our nursery up-to-date, including more safety measures as well as more Biblical activity and instruction for our littlest lambs. One of these changes is providing a more comprehensive sign-in sheet so that parents can better equip our nursery workers to take the best care of their kiddos during the church services. Some exciting changes are on the way, including a posted schedule so parents can know what to expect while their kids are in the nursery, as well as a sheet where our workers will log feeding/napping/changing times and then turn that sheet in to the parents at pick up. Stay tuned for more info!

If you’re interested in serving in our Nursery, contact our Vivian Johnson for more info.
Contact Our Nursery Director

*Nursery Request! We are asking that parents please drop off EVERYTHING your child will need with our nursery workers when you bring your child to us.  This includes diaper bags, changes of clothes, medicine, etc. This eliminates the need to interrupt your worship during the services.