People must have righteous principals in the first, and then they will not fail to perform virtuous actions.
- Martin Luther
Want to get plugged in?
We have lots of opportunities to help out with our various church services. Check them out below!
We all know how important first impressions are! Our greeters are there to give a warm welcome to every member and visitor who comes through our door. Handing out bulletins and providing directions to our classrooms/restrooms/nursery/etc… also fall under the job description of our greeters. And, of course, giving out smiles, hugs, handshakes, and high-fives to anyone who may want or need one is all part of making our people feel loved!
Plus, you never have to greet alone. Our greeters work in teams of two, so you’ll always be working with a friend.
Interested in greeting?
Contact our Church Office.
Being a reader is a great opportunity to really dig in and share God’s Word with our congregation. During each service, we have three readings from Scripture: an Old Testament passage, an Epistle passage, and a Gospel passage. Pastor will always read the Gospel passage, so the other two passages fall to our reader.
During the Traditional Service, Scripture readings are done from the lectern. In our Contemporary Service, readers simply go to the center stage and can read from a print-out or the prompt screen in the back. And, during Grace Place, readers can either read from their seats with a hand-held mic, or may come up to the front of the sanctuary. A print-out of the readings is always provided for each service.
Interested in being a reader?
Contact Lane McKown, or our Church Office.
Ushering is about more than just helping people to their seats before the service. Our ushers give care to each of our members and visitors.
Giving directions, keeping the count of attendees at each service, taking up the sign-in books, and helping with Communion are tasks that fall under job description of our ushers.
Training is provided beforehand to show newcomers the ropes. Ushers work closely with our Lay Ministers to help make our services run smoothly.
Interested in becoming an usher?
Contact our Lay Ministry.
Altar Guild
Our Altar Guild is responsible for beautifying our worship areas. Changing out the paraments on and around the altar in the Sanctuary, setting up Communion for all three services, keeping the altar area clean, and decorating the church for all special occasions & seasons are tasks that fall to our Altar Guild. Setup & take-down for all baptisms, memorials, and funerals is also included.
Altar duties typically take 1-2 hours, depending on set-up needs. Training is provided to all newcomers.
Love to decorate? This might just be the spot for you!
Want more information about joining Altar Guild? Contact our Church Office.
AVL Team
Making everything run smoothly from behind the scenes is the name of the game for our AVL Team!
AVL Team Members are responsible for creating the service slides for the screens, running the Audio/Visual equipment during services, and keeping up with any necessary maintenance/updates on the computers, soundboards, cameras, etc…
A rotating schedule is set up via Planning Center, and our AVL Director manages that schedule.
Have a knack for technology? This might be the perfect way for you to get involved!
Contact our AVL Director.
Music & Choir
Music is such an integral part of all our church services. Not only is it a way to lead others in worship, it’s also a wonderful way for musicians to express their own worship to our Lord.
Do you have a musical talent? Share it with us! We have lots of opportunities to serve through music here at Good Shepherd.
Choir and special musical offerings during Traditional Service, singing or playing with our Praise Band at Contemporary Service, or joining our Worship Team at Grace Place are all wonderful ways to share our musical gifts.
Interested in getting involved in music here?
Contact our Music Directors:
Traditional Worship | Contemporary Worship
Grace Place